Frequently Asked Questions

Not necessarily frequently asked but definitely good questions

Where is the code that built this?

Currently, the code that built the site can be found in the Philosopher Analyst Hugo Apéro site.

The code for the slides themselves is hosted on the NHS-R Community GitHub repository.

Slides/RStudio/GitHub doesn’t show or work

Often problems with the slides not showing, RStudio Connect not loading and GitHub losing functionality is due to being on a VPN (Virtual Private Network)/Network. My Trust, for example, does not allow RStudio Connect and whilst I can view GitHub, I’m not able to do some things like download zip files.

Why does the course use the RStudio Cloud?

Like the Introduction to R and RStudio course using the Cloud gets around different version of software of people’s laptops. This is slightly different in that it doesn’t use a particular work space with everything set up which follows the slides/workshop approach that Alison Hill took for her RMarkdown course that these slides were cloned from. This means that the set up is really quick and gets around the space requirements of the work space.

People are free to use their own laptops if they have the software already set up.