Data Hazards

A short talk on the background to data hazards and showing an example of its use for a Freedom of Information request to show how these can be used for analysis.

HDR UK Online Careers Event

The event features inspiring career talks with speakers working in health data science roles in the NHS, industry, HDR UK alumni and more – offering insights, tips and first-hand experience.

Train the Trainer

Some of the things I learned after giving a year’s worth of monthly one-day NHS-R introduction to R and R Studio workshops.


Introduction to R and R Studio - NHS-R Community conference 2021

Due to the popularity of the course in 2020 when I had 40 people attending which, in hindsight was a little ambitious as I’d only done a few workshops before the conference, I did indeed do another recording for the community. The funny thing is that, at the point of writing this, these recordings have only had 3 viewings and I think they were me finding the link! The original 2020 training has got hundreds of views!